COVID-19 Response
Under updated state guidance for schools, all schools must complete and post to their website homepages a COVID-19 Safety Plan (CSP), described below in COVID19 Safety Plan for In-person Instruction section (page 10) prior to reopening for in-person instruction. Schools that have already reopened are required to post their CSPs by February 1, 2021. The CSP is intended to consolidate requirements to develop written plans pursuant to CDPH guidance first issued in May 2020 and the Cal/OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards finalized in November 2020. You can find our CSP at:
For more information on the Diocese of Sacramento’s response to COVID-19 and the steps we are taking to ensure the safety of our children during this pandemic, please see the following statements and videos from Lincoln Snyder, Superintendent and Executive Director of Schools for the Diocese of Sacramento. If you would like more information, follow the link below to the Diocese website for the most up to date information.